Returns Policy

Returns Policy…

Our returns policy is 14 days from the date you receive the order. Please also allow up to 14 days for the process to be completed by our returns department from the date of delivery, you will be emailed once refunded. We accept items that are returned within receipt of the 14-day time frame providing they are in original condition with tags intact. Once your items are returned, you will be entitled to receive a refund. For item(s) returned after this time, we reserve the right to return the item(s) to you.

We are not able to refund items that appear to have been worn or washed, are not in original condition, or have their security tag removed. Every aspect of the garment must be free from signs of wear and odour.

Returns Costs…

Customers are responsible to cover the costs and arrange any return packages via their chosen courier preference. Once items are received within 14 days of receipt and in line with the Returns Policy above we will issue any refunds due.

When will I receive my refund?

We try to process our returns as quickly as possible. Our average refund is processed within 3 days of receiving the item back to our warehouse however we ask customers to wait up to a week before contacting us. You will receive an email to confirm when funds are sent. We understand the urgency to receive funds quickly and have staffed accordingly however we check every return item for quality purposes.  To avoid refund delays please include your paperwork in your return parcel.

Can I combine multiple orders in one parcel?

Unfortunately, our system cannot facilitate combined orders. We ask you to return individually to ensure a smooth, speedy process.  Sending combined will result in delays in receiving your refund.

Where should I return my unwanted item(s)?

Unwanted item(s) are to be returned, within 14 days from the date you receive the order and, free from any signs of wear and odour to the following address:

Bemeè Fashions, Dewar House, Central Road, Harlow, CM20 2ST